Monday, July 21, 2014

The Curse and Blessing of Really Good Ears

I've always had pretty great hearing, but it's not all a bag of chips.

Loud noises make me jump a little higher, people eating near me is a little more annoying, and soft conversations aren't as private as you'd hope.

When I started auditioning I could hear the people in the room doing their take on the lines. I could even hear the muffled reactions of how it was going and learned quickly how to adjust myself. I try not to do this anymore because in general it's easier to perform without the influence of someone else's take.

What sucks about great hearing is high pitch sounds are insane, but not a lot of other people can hear it. There's a museum that I've been to with my aunt and sister several times that has one of those juvenile deterrent beeps. It's supposed to keep kids from loitering away and it really works because my ears go nuts when I'm around it. I told my aunt and sister about this and neither could hear it, leaving me to believe that I've gone insane. Until we visited the same place a few years later and the same thing happened.

There's another one of  these beepy things on La Brea and Sunset near the Jim Henson studios that drives me bonkers, especially when I'm stuck in traffic.

I'm currently working in an office where I'm 11 floors up. Way down below and across the street I can hear the construction going on. And I can hear all of it.
Every beep, every shout, all with the normal everyday sounds of the person down the hall, the woman on the phone, the creaking of my chair, The typing in the cubicle across the office, the conversation behind a closed door, and probably twinge of the elevator swaying four levels above us (okay maybe not that, but still).

What I'm trying to say is that I'm superman. This world is too loud.
 If everyone could please quiet down, I would much appreciate it. Thank youuuuu!

~The Goof

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