Sunday, July 13, 2014

Big Words For a Short Thought

So I posted a fairly heinous fat face photo the other day that's been garnering a little bit of attention. And, of course, I've consequently thought way too long and hard about it. 
I'm sorta wondering if our society is getting more comfortable with the less than perfect way of life. It seems like the 50s were about acheiving the "perfect." Perfect wife, perfect husband, perfect house, perfect etc.

The 60s and 70s were in direct contrast to that, the 80s tried mellowing out of the two, the 90s felt like a bad attempt at a flashback to the 60s when grunge and the "who gives a fuck" mentality came back in to the works. Then the 2000s were the rise of the snark and further into the "oughts" is continuation of the ironic life. 

It's in near contrast to both perfection and destruction. It flips off the 50s whole mooning the angst of the 90s.

So what direction are we heading? A tangential split from the dichotomy of the perfect versus the destroyed life? Just makes me wonder what life this decade is going for?

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