Monday, July 7, 2014

Extreme Boredom...

I love being bored. Being bored gets me antsy. It's that guilty part of my brain that overreacts to a moment of solace saying WHY NOT WORKING ON MAKING LIFE BETTER NOW?
It's very loud that voice.

Being bored is usually when I'm at my most creative. I start projects I've always want, I research things I've always wanted to know. It's the best.
But then there's extreme boredom.

The kind where you've done all the stuff. I've written the ditty, I've submitted to the projects I want to be apart of, I've even cleaned my room!
And now there's nothing to do.

All friends were either working or busy. It was hot as balls so I didn't even want to go outside.
So for the first time in ages, I laid on the couch the whole day. I watched movies, and tv shows. (Did you know Beverly Hills Cop still holds up? That's a great movie!)
But I was still bored.

I guess that's what the heat does to you, even when you have the wall unit blasting the most AC possible for it's little fan to manage, it's still hot. My little AC that could. I'm still bored. And I'm stuck to the couch.

Who wants to move when its like 90 degrees out!? Yes I know I've lived in parts of the world where it was 115 or more, but at least there was a pool nearby! Our landlady won't even allow us to use the hose in the parking lot. Because that would ruin the world.

So instead I decided to do those "online surveys for money!"
I know it's a complete scam. I know I'll be spammed for the rest of my life. But I was bored.
It's hilarious how bad these things are. An endless loop of questions until you get right up to the end and then they ask you to buy something or apply for something you're morally against. I had several ask me if I suffered from glaucoma, back pains, and one excessive or lite urination problems.
I'm not even sure what that means.
I did this for hours. I took sooo many tests, quizes, watched glitchy videos, clicked on questionable sites. And guess how much money I "made"
Ohh the hilarity. It's worse than a sweat shop. My email is quickly loading up with spam right now and I honestly couldn't be more thankful that it's Monday and I have real work to do.

Also, completely unrelated note, a great prank is to sign your friend up for one of these and watch the calls roll in ;-)

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