Saturday, June 21, 2014

Relay for Life

Today's the day of Relay!
We've been doing this event this last two years and it's always fun to see what happens each year.
Usually the day starts off with the camp set up. Then Duchess Riot divies up their black and pink gear so that we all look coordinated.
Last year was super hero themed.

The opening ceremonies start to pump up the jams and the whole event takes a lap around the track with the survivors going first. 

Then the day begins! It's a slew of water balloon tosses, egg passes, dance competitions, watermellon eating races, bra putting on races(?), cardboard car races...
or in our case tank races. And then the anual tradition:

Dione and I getting married

Needless to say it's a great event for a bunch of comedians. So if you feel like joining us in a good cause make your way down to Walter Reed Middle school in North Hollywood. We'll be the booth with an obscene amount of pink. It'll be hard to miss! 

And if you can't make the event today, g'head and help a sista out! 

Much love from the Goof and her DR pals

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