Wednesday, June 18, 2014


I am not an early morning person.
I have never been an early morning person.
My sister was a notorious "don't wake me up early" person in that she would roll out of bed swinging at anyone who dared to wake her up.
And yet I insist upon taking up jobs that make wake up in the early morning.
Am I a masochist?

Mostly it's because I want to be productive, get the work nonsense out of the way before the best part of the day comes around. The night!
But unfortunately by the time it gets to three o'clock I'm so over the day.

tired animated GIF
But I've got things to do, as we all know I'm supppperrr busy. And by the time I get to sleep its near midnight and I have to be up in five hours or less.

I've been taking a great B12 mix to up my energy and that's really been helping, you know paired with piles of coffee and the occasional swig of crack cocaine*
 Ok, I think that settles it, I'm definitely a masochist. Why on earth do we do this to our bodies?

*Crack cocaine is a term in this instance signifying Red Bull

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