Monday, June 16, 2014

90 Day Challenge

It has come to my attention that I have been sorely lacking in the area of writing. 
(She wrote after nearly a 2 years of not writing in this blog)

I love writing, as it helps me work through the randomness of my life, and becuse of it I've decided to do a 90 day challenge. 
90 Days of writing. 

The very thought of that is makes me take bets on myself on what day I'll quit, but I'm hoping by the end of that 90 days to come out with a solid everyday writing habit. Although I know exactly how these things usually go for me.

It's like working out. I'll plan to work out for say... a week (gross), you know keep it simple so I don't crap out on it and by Friday I can feel fully accomplished! But usually, I'll take the first two to three days seriously, make an excuse on day three, and by day four I've already quit. 
Cuz I'm consistent like that.

This may go that way, but since I don't have to break a sweat typing, this might also be a little more doable and exciting! And what better day to start on a habit than a Monday morning! 

So happy Monday to you all, and may the 90 days be as fun for you as they will be for me!

~ Goof Gettin On It Once Again. 

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