Friday, June 27, 2014


Gah! Nearly forgot to write today! 
I don't know what it is about keeping to a challenge be it's So easy to want to cheat! Say something like, "oh I'm busy!" Or, "I'll double it up tomorrow!"

I know there's no progress in that, and yet it's still so tempting to do. I think every challenge that I let myself cheat is making it easier for me to cheat more.

 I know that's exactly why I have started a 30 day an challenge. I did it once last year, felt super accomplished, and then haven't done it since. Why? Fear of letting myself down? Who can say. But it does feel like a slippery slope every time we "let this one slide"

I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune by day 20, but then again...
That's only six days away. That shouldn't be too hard, right?

Stay vigilent!

~The Goof

(Awesome footnote, I wrote "stay vigilent" and it auto corrected to "stay violent!", don't do that. That don't do. Unless it's gaming. But in general, don't do that)

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